The 加州大学旧金山分校多学科方法胎盘服务(MAPS)计划 胎盘增生谱(PAS)患者的诊断和护理. This 高危妊娠 并发症通常不会在怀孕期间引起问题, 但它可能导致分娩后危及生命的出血.

在一次简单的分娩中, 胎盘从子宫中分离出来,在宝宝出生后娩出. PAS患者的胎盘不会分离. Instead, it remains attached to the wall of the uterus (placenta acreta); attaches more deeply, to the uterine muscle (placenta increta); or grows through the uterus and sometimes into other organs (placenta percreta).

PAS通常根据危险因素进行怀疑,并通过常规超声确诊. 诊断它, 我们用special, 有针对性的成像扫描,更仔细地观察胎盘和子宫. 然后,患者与母胎医学(MFM)十大赌博平台排行榜会面,审查和讨论结果.

如果在怀孕期间怀疑或诊断出PAS, 我们的多学科团队将密切关注您的病情. 该团队经常建议你在加州大学旧金山分校分娩. 此外,如果确诊为PAS,通常在婴儿出生后进行子宫切除术.

Our team of specialists includes gynecologic surgeons; maternal-fetal medicine specialists (MFMs); anesthesiologists; interventional radiologists; neonatologists; pathologists; nursing teams from the birth center, operating room and intensive care nursery; and others, if needed. 举办多个小组会议,协调妊娠护理, 交付计划, 提供最优的, 对您和您的宝宝是安全的.